- JADT 2024 - 17th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data, Bruxelles. Directions of Dependency Structures in the Czech National Corpus SYN2020: Syntactic Indices for Text Classification. X. Chen, M. Kubát & J. Mačutek.
- JADT 2024 - 17th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data, Bruxelles. What can be heard in the Czech Parliament. M. Nogolova, J. Mačutek & M. Kubát.
- International Corpus Linguistics Conference CILC2024, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Dependency Directions as a Stylometric Tool: Distinguishing Genres in Czech through Syntactic Analysis. Kubát, M., Chen, X.
- International Corpus Linguistics Conference CILC2024, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Mean Dependency Distance in Contemporary Czech Language – a Genre Analysis. Chen, X., Kubát, M.
- Workshop on Corpus and Computational Linguistics. Ostrava. Mean Dependency Distance in Czech Genres – Corpus Analysis. Kubát, M.
- Slovko 2023 - Natural Language Processing And Corpus Linguistics, Bratislava. Linear Dependency Segments in Foreign Language Acquisition: Syntactic Complexity Analysis in Czech Learners' Text. Nogolová, M., Hanušková, M., Kubát, M., Čech, R.
- The GDUFS Forum on Applied Linguistics, 2023. Guangzhou. Distribution of syntactic functions in different text types in Czech. Kubát, M.
- Qualico 2023 (Lausanne). Distribution of syntactic functions in different styles and genres. Kubát, M., Čech, R., Chen, X.
Hanušková, M., Nogolová, M. a Kubát, M. Development of mean dependency distance in Czech L2 texts across proficiency levels A1 to C1. In: QUALICO 2023, Quantitative Linguistics Conference 2023. Lausanne: University of Lausanne. 2023.Qualico 2023 (Lausanne). Development of mean dependency distance in Czech L2 texts across proficiency levels A1 to C1. Hanušková, M., Nogolová, M., Kubát, M.
- International workshop on corpus stylistics and stylometrics (Ostrava). Transitivity and modality of Czech verbs - genre analysis. Kubát, M.
- 14th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2023), Oviedo. An automatic syntax-based genre classification of Czech texts. Kubát, M., Čech, R., Mačutek, J., Nogolová, M.
- 14th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2023), Oviedo. An analysis of the syntactic development of Czech texts written by non-native speakers. Nogolová, M., Hanušková, M., Čech, R., Kubát, M.
Center for Linguistics & Applied Linguistics, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, 11. 4. 2022. The lexical diversity and syntactic complexity of Czech L2 texts at different proficiency levels. Kubát, M.
16th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data (JADT 2022), Napoli. Does an author leave a syntactic footprint? Čech, R., Mačutek, J., Kubát, M., Koščová.
- SyntaxFest (Quasy) 2021 (postponed March 2022), Sofia. Attributivity and Subjectivity in Contemporary Written Czech. Kubát, M., Čech, R., Chen, X. (poster)
- Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, 21. 4. 2022. Quantitative Syntactic Stylistics of Contemporary Written Czech. Kubát, M., Čech, R.
- QUALICO 2020 (postponed 2021), Tokyo, 10. 9. 2021. Attributivity and Syntactic Subjectivity in Contemporary Written Czech. Kubát, M., Chen, X., Pelegrinová, K., Čech, R.
- Statistical Applications in Text Analysis, Ostrava, 17. 6. 2020. Kubát, M., Čech, R. QUITA - Past. Present, and Future.
- Corpus Driven Quantitative Linguistics Workshop, Ostrava, 28. 11. 2019. Hůla, J., Kubát, M. SeLe - Online Tool for Semantic Analysisof Czech Lemmas.
- The 11th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, Prague, 13.9.2019. Hůla, J., Mojžíšek, D., Kubát, M. Semi-Supervised Classification of Scientific Papers With Graph Convolutional Networks and Topic Modeling.
- Summer School of Linguistics Kroměříž, 13. 8. 2019. Pelegrinová, K., Kubát, M., Čech, R., Hůla, J., Chen, X. Context specificity of a lemma A word embedding approach. (poster)
- ÚFAL Praha, 20. 5. 2019. Kubát, M., Hůla, J., Pelegrinová, K., Čech, R. Kontextová specifičnost lemmatu – diachronní analýza.
- Linguistics Prague, 26. 4. 2019. Kubát, M., Suchá, Z. Do Czech Native and Non-native Speakers Differ in the Morphological Richness?
- Recent trends in Quantitative Linguistics, Athens, 27. 3. 2019. Kubát, M. Context Specificity of Lemma. Diachronic analysis.
SlaviCorp, 25. 9. 2018, Praha. Kubát, M., Hůla, J., Čech, R., Číž, D., Pelegrinová, K. Context Specificity of Lemma. Diachronic analysis.
QUALICO, 6. 7. 2018, Wroclaw. Kubát, M., Hůla, J., Číž, D., Pelegrinová, K., Chen, X., Čech, R. Context Specificity of Function and Content word.
- Jazykovědné sdružení, Ostrava, 21. 11. 2017. Čech, R., Kubát. M., Hůla. J., Chen, X. Aplikace neuronových sítí v diachronní a synchronní sémantické analýze textů.
- Hůla, J., Čech, R., Kubát, M. A Development of Context Specificity of Lemma, Word Vectors Approach.
- Genologický workshop, FF OU Ostrava, 21. 4. 2017. Čech, R., Kubát, M. Kvantitativní analýza žánrů.
- 100 let Naší řeči, Praha, 10. 1. 2017. Kubát, M., Čech, R., Mačutek, J. Novoroční projevy českých a československých prezidentů z hlediska lexikální statistiky.
- Xi'an Jiaotong University. Kubát, M. Quantitative Text Analysis.
- Korpusová lingvistika Praha, 17. 9. 2016. Čech, R., Kubát, M., Mačutek, J. Vliv negace na délku jednotek různých jazykových rovin v mluvené češtině.
- QUALICO, Trier, 25. 8. 2016. Kubát, M., Čech, R. Dynamic Development of Vocabulary Richness of Text.
- OLINCO, Olomouc, 9. 6. 2016. Kubát, M., Čech, R. Quantitative Analysis of US Presidential Inaugural Addresses.
- Jazykovědné sdružení, Ostrava, 9. 3. 2016. Kubát, M. Stylometrický software QUITA.
- Jazykovědné sdružení, Hradec Králové, 21. 10. 2015. Kubát, M. Kvantitativní analýza textu.
- Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, UK Bratislava, 10. 2. 2015. Kubát, M. Kvantitativní analýza žánrů.
- QUALICO 2014, Olomouc. Kubát, M., Matlach, V. QUITA - Quantitative Index Text Analyzer. (poster)
- Lingvistika Praha, 5. 4. 2013. Kubát, M. Kvantitativní analýza žánrů v díle Karla Čapka.
I have presented my research in conference talks and university lectures:
- JADT 2024 - 17th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data, Bruxelles.
- CILC 2024 (15th International Corpus Linguistics Conference), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Workshop on Corpus and Computational Linguistics 2024. Ostrava.
The GDUFS Forum on Applied Linguistics, 2023. Guangzhou.
- CILC 2023 (14th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics), Oviedo.
Slovko 2023 - Natural Language Processing And Corpus Linguistics, Bratislava.
International workshop on corpus stylistics and stylometrics 2023, Ostrava.
- JADT 2022 (16th International Conference on Statistical Analysis of Textual Data), Napoli.
- SyntaxFest (Quasy) 2021 (postponed 2022) Sofia.
- QUALICO 2020 (postponed 2021), Tokyo.
- QUALICO 2018, Wroclaw.
- QUALICO 2016, Trier.
- QUALICO 2014, Olomouc.
- SlaviCorp 2018, Praha.
- OLINCO 2016, Olomouc.
- Korpusová lingvistika Praha 2016
- 100 let Naší řeči, 2017, Praha
- Lingvistika Praha 2013.
Universities and Institutes
- Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (China)
- Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava (Slovakia)
- Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an (China)
- Comenius University in Bratislava, Bratislava (Slovakia)
- Charles University Prague, Prague (Czechia)
- Palacký University Olomouc, Olomouc (Czechia)
- University of Hradec Králové, Hradec Králové (Czechia)
- University of Ostrava, Ostrava (Czechia)